Big Brother Britain & Civil Liberties
Fight against UK governments attack on our civil liberties with Big Brother Britain initiatives

Posts Tagged ‘big brother britain

Teenagers, thou shalt not smoke

9 December, 2008

Another pointless piece of tokenism by this control obsessed Labour government is the ban on displaying cigarettes, ostensibly to discourage under age smokers. A commendable goal, but surely even they can work out that it is not the display of cigarettes that encourages youngsters to smoke, but easy access, peer pressure and so on, none […]

European Court of Human Rights upholds British liberties

5 December, 2008

Power to the People I am delighted to confirm that Jacqui Smith is “disappointed” by the ruling given yesterday relating to her insistence that Big Brother Britain be entitled to store the DNA and fingerprint profiles of any British subject that is arrested but not charged, or arrested and subsequently acquitted. Clearly, the only reason […]

David Cameron, Police action is Stalinesque

28 November, 2008

Power to the People How ironic that it has taken the arrest of Damian Green, the Shadow Immigration Minister to provoke David Cameron into describing the police as “Stalinesque“. Because his party has sat on its hands whilst this Labour government has consistently removed the rights and civil liberties of every single person in this country. What […]

Stop protesting or we shoot

27 November, 2008

Power to the People News that Jacqui Smith feels obliged to order another 10,000 Tasers at a time when the government coffers are empty has to be worrying for the British public. Whilst we know that this government doesn’t really care about how much of our money they spend, because they can just put up our taxes, the […]

Scottish Parliament rejects ID cards

22 November, 2008

Power to the People Now, whilst I fully accept that this will not make one jot of difference to the current Labour government it is nonetheless, symbolic given it demonstrates that the government will have an uphill struggle to introduce identity cards. Scottish MSP’s do not believe ID cards will increase security or deter crime […]

Data Communications Bill shelved

21 November, 2008

Power to the People News that the Data Communication Bill has been shelved will be welcomed by all those that have campaigned against it. Needless to say, the government claim that it has nothing to do with those that are against this Big Brother Britain bill and everything to do with the fact that MP’s need to […]

Organ Donors, Gordon Brown knows best

18 November, 2008

Power to the People I don’t want to get into a debate as to the rights and wrongs of whether people should agree to donate their organs, although I am willing to state, for the record, that I support the organ donor programme. What concerns me is when government, in spite of advice to the […]

Next step in BBB is Censorship of the press!

16 November, 2008

Power to the People A common denominator of countries described by outsiders and campaigners as being a police state, oppressive or anti-democratic, is state control of, alternatively over, the press. A free press is seen by the outside world as one of the most significant factors in determining whether or not a country is democratic and free. So why is it, […]

The farce of Criminal Records Bureau checks

13 November, 2008

Power to the People As Big Brother Britain gathers pace, news is released that more than 12,000 people had Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks completed on them, which indicated that they had a criminal record, when in fact that was not the case. That is not a statistic, but 12,000 individuals that have incorrectly been […]

Time to stop Government waste

12 November, 2008

Power to the People At a time when every political party is talking about tax cuts, I think it is a time to consider all government ‘pet’ projects, particularly those that have limited or no value. That is probably most of the IT projects. In particular, I would like to see the government cancel some of […]